
Everything you need to find the right supplement & improve your wellbeing

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Our Research Databases

At Supplement Review, our editors scour through 1000s of scientific studies, journals, and authentic customer reviews online to produce well-researched articles for readers like you. You’ll find verifiable scientific proof in every article produced.

As of Mar 2023, the FDA does not regulate the supplement industry. This means that bad actors can and often take advantage of ill-informed customers. From illegal product replicas to misinformed product labels, many supplement brands are often “hit-and-run”. This has tarnished the reputation of the whole industry and made it harder for legitimate brands who genuinely want to help improve the general wellness of the population.

By publishing and sharing well-researched articles, we hope to surface well-formulated products and support legitimate brands. This is one of many steps that will take years or even decades to transform the industry.