Best Supplements for Intermittent Fasting with Fat Loss Results (2024)

What do celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Kourtney Kardashian, and Vanessa Hudgens have in common? They are all fans of the Intermittent Fasting (IF) diet!

The IF diet has become a popular weight loss diet and you’ve probably seen it working for someone you know. If you’re wondering how intermittent fasting can help you lose weight particularly around the belly, which methods work best for you, and what else you can do to boost the results of your newfound diet, you’re in the right place.

In the rest of this article, we’ll explore:

  • The “Grade 3” science behind intermittent fasting and how it works
  • How you can maximize fat loss during intermittent fasting
  • What to avoid while you’re on the diet
  • Your ultimate supplement checklist
  • Our recommendations

Let’s dive in.

How Intermittent Fasting Works And Helps Fat Loss

Have you ever heard the story of the tortoise and the hare? The hare was really fast, but he kept taking breaks to rest, while the tortoise just kept plodding along slowly and steadily. Well, that’s kind of like how intermittent fasting works.

When we eat food, our body breaks it down into energy that we use to move and do things. But sometimes we eat more food than our body needs right away, so it stores the extra energy as fat. And if we keep eating more food than we need, our body keeps storing more and more fat.

Intermittent fasting is like taking breaks between meals, so our body has a chance to use up the stored fat for energy instead of just storing more and more of it. When we fast, our body has to find other sources of energy to keep us going, so it starts using up the fat that’s stored in our body.

4 Ways To Maximize Fat Loss During Intermittent Fasting

Credit: Women’s Health Magazine

The 16:8 diet requires you to fast for 16 hours a day and only eat within an 8 hour window.

If you follow this diet, you could eat breakfast at 8am and finish your dinner by 4pm. Alternatively, you can skip breakfast at 8am, have your lunch at 12pm, and finish your dinner by 8pm.

Apart from choosing between breakfast and dinner times, you can also consider your work and workout schedules. If your work starts early, you may want to start your day with breakfast so it doesn’t affect you during work.

Credit: Women’s Health Magazine

If the 16:8 diet is too restrictive for you, then you can join me and follow the 14:10 diet. I prefer this diet as it involves minimal changes to my diet and lifestyle. Instead of fasting for 16 hours, you abstain from food for only 14 hours, so you can have breakfast at 8am and still finish your last meal of the day by 6pm, which makes for a healthy routine.

The good news is that you can still enjoy weight benefits even with a less restrictive IF diet like the 14:10 diet. A 2021 study in Nutrition & Diabetes2 found that those who followed the 14:10 diet while incorporating nutritious foods and consistent exercise lost more weight than those who did the 12:12 diet. They also showed a more significant improvement in blood glucose levels after eight weeks.

Credit: Women’s Health Magazine

If you want to try something more intensive, you can consider the 5:2 diet.

The 5:2 diet involves eating significantly less (80% less) on 2 days of the week. Experts warn that you should avoid “revenge eating” after each fasting period as you feel the hunger.

Once you’ve found a schedule that works for you, consider taking supplements with weight management properties to help you. Let’s take a look at a few of these examples.

1. Probiotic Strains with Weight Management Properties

Recent studies3 have shown that certain probiotic strains carry weight management benefits for users. The most well-known probiotic strain is L.Gasseri SBT2055, which saw hundreds of adults experience 4.6% to 8.5% belly fat loss and thinner waists in two separate studies4,5. Researchers found that L.Gasseri SBT2055 blocks some of the fats and enables our body to pass them out as feces6.

Other probiotic species like B. Lactis7 and B. Breve8 also showed benefits in stimulating metabolism, enabling our body to convert more saturated fats and cholesterol into expendable energy. This can help to accelerate the benefits of intermittent fasting.

2. Turmeric, Moringa, and Curry Leaves

In two interesting studies containing 3 super herbs – turmeric, moringa, and curry leaves, researchers saw weight loss results.

In one 8-week study9 with 41 obese people on an identical diet and exercise regime, those taking 900 mg of a supplement containing moringa, turmeric, and curry lost 10.6 pounds (4.8 kg) — compared to only 4 pounds (1.8 kg) in the placebo group.

The study was repeated again a few years later with 130 overweight individuals. Those given the supplement lost 11.9 pounds (5.4 kg) over 16 weeks, compared to only 2 pounds (0.9 kg) in the placebo group. They also significantly decreased their LDL (bad) cholesterol and increased their HDL (good) cholesterol10

These two studies give us confidence that the combination of these super herbs can support a healthier weight.

3. Glucomannan

Glucomannan is a fiber made from the root of the konjac plant. As a soluble fiber, people believe it takes up space in your stomach and that can promote a feeling of fullness, reducing your hunger. It can also delay stomach emptying12.

Several studies show promising benefits. In the largest study, 176 healthy but overweight people on a calorie-restricted diet were randomly assigned either a glucomannan supplement or a placebo. The average adult saw a loss of 8-10 lbs after 5 weeks13.

However, it is worth noting that the study saw similar results among adults that took other fibers, which may suggest that fibers can support a healthier weight in general and this is not limited to Glucomannan.

In a nutshell

Overall, we recommend picking supplements that are safer to take in the long-term. No matter which supplement you pick, we suggest choosing one that minimizes risks and side effects as no amount of weight loss is worth risking your health for.

You’ve heard of probiotics with weight management properties. But taking probiotics also has the added benefit of keeping your digestive system healthy and singing, so that you can reap the benefits of intermittent fasting.

For example, a 12-week study saw improved mental health among individuals who experienced intermittent fasting and consumed probiotics14. Fasting can be a difficult experience especially if it is your first time. By taking probiotics, you can go about your day-to-day without feeling sluggish or hangry.

Another study saw 26 adults combine intermittent fasting with a probiotic species called L. Rhamnosus HN001. The participants saw improved blood sugar levels and 5% weight loss15.

Prebiotics are like fertilizers for probiotics. In an earlier example, we shared a study showing multiple fibers like glucomannan with weight loss effects. Prebiotics are also fibers and many of them are soluble fibers, which means they may also help you to feel fuller and delay stomach emptying.


One specific prebiotic that helps with weight and fats is inulin. Inulin is a common prebiotic found in many plants. A 2019 study16 where 26 healthy individuals consumed inulin-rich vegetables saw a greater satiety (feeling of fullness) and less desire to eat sweet, salt, and fatty foods.

A separate study found that when a group of prediabetic participants consumed inulin, they saw a sustained weight loss after 8 weeks, which suggests that inulin consumption could help individuals to maintain a healthier weight17.

Fructooligosaccharide (FOS)

Another prebiotic that can help with weight goals is oligofructose or Fructooligosaccharide (FOS). A trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition(opens in new tab) showed that oligofructose, a type of dietary fiber found naturally in foods like onions, Jerusalem artichoke, leeks, garlic and oats, suppressed the hunger hormone ghrelin in overweight adults18.

Overall, we think that prebiotics generally have a beneficial impact and they can be a healthy addition to any diet. A meta-analysis on the benefits of probiotics on weight management also found that participants saw more significant weight results when they paired probiotics with prebiotics19.

What To Avoid To Maximize Fat Loss During Intermittent Fasting

Now that we’ve learned a few tips that can enhance the weight loss results of intermittent fasting, we’ll also look at 3 things to avoid that can potentially sabotage your diet and weight loss goals if you aren’t careful.

Taking caffeine especially on an empty stomach can sabotage your diet.

According to a nutritionist20, drinking coffee affects our hormones and releases cortisol, a stress hormone that our body produces. It can cause hormonal acne.

Research also shows that coffee’s bitterness may stimulate the production of stomach acid21, which may explain the stomach discomfort that some people experience.

Some fat burners such as green coffee extract22 and green tea extract rely on the caffeine content to produce weight loss results. While it may work for some people, we recommend that you speak to your primary care doctor about these supplements before trying them.

Avoiding weight loss supplements with major side effects is even more important. I cannot stress enough about the importance of understanding what you’re getting yourself into.

While we all want to achieve a healthier weight or look like our best self, there is no shortcut. Just like how intermittent fasting requires effort and dedication, weight loss is no different. Some weight loss supplements may promise you fast results, but pay close attention to what it costs you. Three examples are conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), garcinia cambogia, and cayenne pepper.

1. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a popular supplement that contains chemicals found in a fatty acid called linoleic acid. There are claims that it helps to curb body fat and stay fuller11.

However, studies show conflicting results. Some studies demonstrate such benefits, but others do not. Some researchers also warned that long-term use could result in major side effects such as higher insulin resistance (a risk factor for type 2 diabetes) and lower HDL (a risk factor for heart problems).

We recommend speaking to your primary care doctor before taking any supplement containing CLA.

2. Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia became popular after it was featured in a Dr. Oz Show in 2012. However, studies show conflicting results and demonstrated potential serious side effects. This includes acute liver failure23, hepatotoxicity24 and extreme mood changes25.

We urge anyone thinking of trying these supplements to avoid them as no amount of weight loss is worth the risk of permanent damage to their health.

3. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is another common weight loss supplement.

It is thought to work by increasing the body’s energy expenditure due to the production of heat inside the body. However, repeated use of cayenne pepper may lead to the shedding of cells from inside your gastric tract, as well as bleeding, according to Memorial Sloan Kettering26.

While not as serious as the liver issues associated with the consumption of garcinia cambogia, the wearing down of cells in your gastrointestinal tract can lead to irreversible damage to the gut.

More long-term human studies are needed to determine its safety before consumption.

Your Ultimate Intermittent Fasting Supplement Checklist

As supplements can be sold without approval by FDA, reliable supplement manufacturers get third-party certifications to distinguish their products as trustworthy. These certifications verify the ingredients and quantities claimed on the product label, and that the product meets stringent manufacturing and performance standards. Established certifications to look out for include GMP, USP, NSF, Certified Organic, Non-GMO certified, etc.

Supplements that can’t be absorbed by the body are essentially ineffective. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of this, allowing manufacturers to get away with cheaply-made supplements with low bioavailability. Your selection process should consider supplements with ingredients that enhance absorption. Also, look for high-quality capsules that break down at the right time for nutrients to be fully absorbed.

Clinical trials help substantiate the efficacy of ingredients through proper tests. Look for a supplement with clinically-tested ingredients for real benefits, and avoid those based on anecdotal evidence. Even better if there are multiple studies backing the product. We based our top 5 weight management supplements on clinically studied ingredients supported by a solid body of evidence.

Sadly, according to the New York Times,27 one in four products sold on Amazon is fake. This is especially true of nutritional supplements. When buying from Amazon, ensure you do so from the brand’s Amazon store. Otherwise, purchase directly from the brand’s official website. Consuming fraudulent products may cause nasty side effects — so be extra cautious.

All supplements made in the USA are under FDA regulation. The same applies for Canada and Australia. Ensure products you buy come from FDA/TGA-registered facilities using GMP certified manufacturing processes. Many supplements, especially those purchased on eBay and Amazon are manufactured abroad, with little to no regulation. One study looked at 44 herbal supplements sold in North America and found 60% do not contain the ingredients or quantities claimed on the labels28.

risk-free guarantee lets you try supplements without fear of losing your money. If you try the product and don’t experience results, simply contact the manufacturer for a refund. A 60- or 90-day guarantee is the minimum a manufacturer should have as a show of confidence in their products. Also, avoid companies that make you jump through hoops. One common strategy that companies use is “bottle return” – they require you pay for return shipping and return the empty bottles before they process your refund.

At Supplement Review, we reviewed more than 30 full-text articles written on intermittent fasting and supplements and publicly available scientific studies conducted on ingredients with fat loss properties. We also looked at 12 of the most popular fat loss supplements on the market and rounded up our top 5 based on the formulation and real customer reviews.

Best Supplements to Achieve Fat Loss Results with Intermittent Fasting

Why we like Provitalize

Many women over 40 experience sudden weight gain especially around the belly.  A key reason is the decline in estrogen levels.

Provitalize is the only fat loss supplement formula that addresses the multiple aspects of estrogen decline, namely:

  • Higher fat deposition around the belly, wrapping around the liver and abdomen
  • Lower metabolism levels
  • Higher levels of inflammation within the body (estrogen has anti-inflammatory properties)

Provitalize contains L. Gasseri SBT2055, a probiotic strain backed by two studies showing a reduction in abdominal visceral fats by up to 4.6%4 and 8.5%5 respectively. More importantly, L. Gasseri SBT2055 works by blocking fat absorption and promoting fat excretion through the feces6.

Plus, Provitalize contains two other weight-management probiotic strains (B. Breve IDCC4401 and B. Lactis R101-8) that stimulate cholesterol metabolism7 and saturated fat metabolism8. B. Breve IDCC4401 was also found to lower total cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels.

Finally, B. Lactis R101-8 was also found to improve two inflammatory markers8 and Provitalize also contains herbs with anti-inflammatory properties – 350mg of curcumin and moringa leaves.

To top it off, the same herbs are also phytoestrogens – curcumin and moringa leaves – which help to promote natural hormonal balance and supplement the estrogen decline.

The probiotics in Provitalize help to improve gut health and address gut dysbiosis, enabling the gut to perform its function of regulating the estrogen levels in our body and supporting hormonal balance.

Furthermore, Provitalize has also been formulated with absorption (or bioavailability) in mind. It contains BioPerine® (black pepper extract) and sunflower lecithin which are shown to enhance absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial properties of herbal formulas.

Finally, these ingredients are encapsulated in DRcaps® capsules, a patented and costly type of delayed-release capsule that protects the ingredients from stomach acid and ensures their smooth passage into our gut where they are most effective.

According to their official website, over 1,200,000 women have shed the stubborn weight with just two capsules a day. The tens of thousands of glowing reviews on TrustPilot, Amazon, and Okendo are undeniable proof that Provitalize is worthy of our top spot.



Slim Gut

Want 50% faster visible weight results from Provitalize and intermittent fasting? Then the Slim Gut Bundle is for you. This holistic bundle combines the weight-management powers of Provitalize with ‘super fiber’ prebiotics in Previtalize.

The probiotics in Provitalize feed on these ‘super fibers’ to multiply faster in the gut. This means women can see faster visible results such as reduction of belly fat & cravings.

These healthy fibers include fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), and inulin. Previtalize also aids digestion and stabilizes mood naturally.

We listed the Slim Gut Bundle 2nd only because it costs more than Provitalize alone. Other than that, we believe it’s the best-value-for-money bundle in the market right now.



3. UltraFlora Control

UltraFlora Control contains 10 billion CFUs of a single probiotic strain, B Lactis B420™. Cultivated and sold by Howaru, it is backed by strong clinical trials to support weight management27.

However, we are slightly concerned with the presence of fillers and the lack of a Delayed Release capsule to protect the vulnerable probiotics from stomach acid, which may affect its effectiveness. Manufacturers usually use fillers to make up for the excess space in the capsule.

It is also priced on the high side given the low CFU count and single probiotic strain, but it could also be due to the amount of research and investments made to study its weight management properties.

They are rated 4.5 stars on Amazon but we noted there are only 160 ratings so far. For this reason, we think it deserves the third spot in our recommendations.



ProbioSlim probiotic contains a 541mg proprietary blend called LS3664TM Whole Health Superblend. It comprises LactoSpore® which is the probiotic strain Bacillus coagulans MTCC 5856. According to the maker of the probiotic, this is not a weight management probiotic28 but it helps with digestive health.

Instead, the supplement contains a combination of green tea extract. This combination includes Super EGCG Green Tea Extract and Green Tea Extract with caffeine. One important finding from EGCG’s weight loss studies says that caffeine is essential for EGCG to demonstrate weight loss results. 

It is rated 3.9 stars on Amazon based on 3,321 ratings and we think it deserves the fourth spot in our recommendations if not for the lack of a weight management probiotic and the reliance on caffeine.



Thin 30 Probiotic is similar to ProbioSlim Probiotic in two aspects:

  • It contains weight loss supplements
  • It contains non-weight management probiotic strains

Thin 30 Probiotic contains a 410mg weight management blend made up of 300mg Green Tea Leaf Extract and Sunflower Lecithin, 100mg of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, and 10mg of Cayenne Pepper Extract.

It also contains a 150mg prebiotic blend containing 50mg of organic acacia senegal, 50mg of chicory root, and 50mg of jerusalem artichoke root.

Finally, it contains a 15 billion CFU probiotic blend comprising 6 different probiotic species with unknown strains. This includes L. Plantarum, L. Rhamnosus, L. Acidophilus, B. Lactis, L. Gasseri, and B. Infantis. Although it includes both B. Lactis and L. Gasseri, the unknown strains make it impossible to know if these have weight management properties.

Furthermore, certain L. Acidophilus strains29 have been associated with weight gain, so we recommend that if you try this product, do watch your weight if you’re looking for fat loss benefits. Worse, the unknown strains mean that you may receive a different product each time you purchase as they may pick and use the most available strains at the time of production.

Overall, this product has a promising formulation given the presence of weight loss supplements and prebiotics, but we cannot be sure about the probiotics formula.




Final Thoughts

Intermittent fasting has shown promising weight loss results for many people regardless of age. But for women over 40, we often gain unexpected weight around the belly due to hormonal changes and shedding belly fat is one of the hardest things to do.

After reviewing the science behind supplements with weight management properties, we think it is the safest and most sustainable approach for the average woman if they are not formulated to produce quick results at the expense of our health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Individual results vary, but according to our research, people supporting diet and exercise efforts may shed an additional 5-10% of weight with the supplements listed in this article.

In combination with a good diet and regular exercise, the right supplement can enhance your efforts to eliminate stubborn belly fat. One study published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Nutrition, found that participants consuming Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 reduced abdominal fat  (visceral fat) by up 8.5% over 12 weeks5.

Generally speaking, as long as the formulation doesn’t contain ingredients with known major side effects, they are considered safe. If you have any health concerns consult your physician before buying.

A study published in Today’s Annals of Internal Medicine suggests aiming to eat 30 grams of fiber each day can help you lose weight30. Prebiotic fibers have also been shown to ease cravings, balance moods and enhance the effects of probiotics.

Nancy Grace
Researcher and Science Writer
Nancy specializes in science journalism and factual information in the fields of health, medicine, and nutrition. She spends hours each week pouring through 100s of medical journals and research studies to increase accessibility to the depths of information by the everyday person.

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