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Best Weight Loss Pills For Women over 40 (2025)

If you’re like most women in their 40s, you’re probably wrestling with sudden, stubborn weight gain that’s almost impossible to drop.

What’s worse, these stubborn lbs seem to have a favorite gathering spot — your tummy.

Tired of the expanding waistline, many women search for a way to drop the stubborn lbs. If you’re one of them, here’s a question for you:

Do You Really Want To Lose Weight Or Just A Flatter Stomach?

Let’s be honest, we want to lose weight to look & feel our best.

Who doesn’t want to fit comfortably into our favorite clothes with?

However, the truth is, losing weight and keeping it off is harder than what most people make it out to be. We glamorize losing weight quickly, but no one ever talks about regaining them just as quickly.

That’s why the FDA insists on weight loss studies lasting at least 12 weeks—to separate the real deal from the gimmicks. And you know what they find? Most folks see only a modest 0-10 lbs weight loss over 3 months. That’s hardly the 30lbs in 3 weeks or 120 lbs in 2 months that some people seem to claim.

But don’t lose heart: If the number on the scale doesn’t really matter to you…and fitting into your favorite clothes, feeling more confident about yourself, and stopping that uncomfortable bloating are what you’re really after, then there are solutions that actually work.

Our team reviewed over 40 weight loss supplements  using data from independent consumer testing laboratories, Labdoor and ConsumerLab, combined with our internal ratings system to determine the top 5 weight loss supplements for women over 40.

Some weight loss supplements can actually help your body metabolize, burn, and flush out excess belly fat, giving you that flatter tummy you desire.

The 3 Benefits Every Good Weight Loss Supplement MUST Have

Scroll To View Table ➡️
 Stimulates metabolism? Does it stimulate the right kind of metabolism?Helps absorb less fat? Does it help you to absorb less fat from your diet?Enhances digestion? Does it help with improving your digestion?Will It Work Long-Term? Does it help with improving your digestion?
Probiotics *Winner* 🏆YesYesYesYes
Appetite SupressantsNoYesNoNo
Fat Burners (Like Obvi)YesNoNoNo

Everyone talks about stimulating metabolism as the key to weight loss. But not all types of metabolism are the same.

Two types of fats in particular, are responsible for accumulation of belly fats – namely saturated fat and cholesterol.

Effective weight loss supplements carry ingredients that are effective at stimulating both saturated fat and cholesterol metabolism. This includes probiotic strains like B.Breve IDCC4401 and B.Lactis R101-8:

  • B.Breve IDCC4401 has been shown in a 2023 study to improve cholesterol metabolism in adults with moderate hypercholesterolemia. 1
  • B.Lactis R1-108 improved saturated fat metabolism in an animal study.2

Other ingredients that may improve fat metabolism includes curcumin 3 and cayenne pepper.

As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

Fat blockers prevents your body from absorbing all the fats and slows weight gain. In fact, it is also especially effective at helping to maintain weight if you’re someone who wants to make minimal changes to your diet.

Natural fat blockers include certain probiotic strains, fennel seed, and garcinia cambogia.

If you’re looking for a fat-blocking probiotic, look no further than the well-studied L.Gasseri SBT 2055, a strain cultivated in Japan. It has been studied to be able to block fat absorption in the gut by making it too large for the body to readily absorb. This unabsorbed fat is then eliminated through waste. 4

Scientists have found a correlation between constipation and obesity. 5

When digested foods stay in our intestinal tract, it gives our body time to absorb its nutrients. So the longer the foods stay in our gut, the more fats and cholesterol our body absorbs.

This is why weight loss experts often recommend changing our diets to manage our weight. But that is not the only solution.

If we keep our gut and digestive system healthy, have regular bowel movement, we will also help our body keep the excess weight off.

But how? The answer is to have multiple strains of probiotics. Our digestive tract is made up of thousands of different microbes – a diverse microbiome is the key to a singing and healthy digestive tract.

Our No.1 Pick: When Will You See Results?

If you’re new to taking weight loss supplements with probiotics, one thing to note is that they’ll take time to work.

As a rule of thumb, it’s good to start with a half dose so your body acclimatizes to it without too many problems.

In the first month, if you’ve been taking them consistently, you’ll begin to notice subtle but encouraging changes like:

  • Improved Digestion: You might feel less bloated and experience smoother digestion. Your stomach will start to feel lighter as the probiotics help to move food through your digestive tract more efficiently.
  • Increased Energy Levels: With better nutrient absorption, you may notice a boost in your overall energy levels, making it easier to stay active and motivated.
  • Initial Reduction in Belly Bloat: Although it’s early days, some reduction in belly bloat is common, helping your clothes fit a bit more comfortably.

By the two-month mark, the benefits would have become more pronounced.

However, you need to take note that probiotics tend to work differently for individuals. What we’ve included here is just what it may look like for most.

With that said, here are the benefits you may experience 60 days in:

  • Significant Bloat Reduction: The persistent belly bloat should be much less noticeable now. You might find that your midsection feels flatter and more toned.
  • Consistent Bowel Movements: Probiotics like B.Lactis can enhance bowel regularity, reducing the chances of constipation and further supporting a flatter stomach.

At the three-month milestone, you’ll likely see the most significant transformations.

Now, to continue experiencing the benefits you’re about to see, you need to take it constantly because without replenishment, the probiotics in your gut can diminish over time:

  • Flatter Stomach: By now, the benefits the probiotic provides may start affecting your belly fat, making your stomach noticeably flatter. This is often the point where friends & family may comment on how great you look.
  • A More Shapely Figure: You might not only see a flatter belly but also your clothes might fit better. This is due to the probiotics’ role in supporting fat metabolism and reducing fat absorption.
  • Sustained Energy & Mood: Along with physical changes, many people experience better mood and higher sustained energy levels, thanks to the gut-brain axis supported by a healthy gut microbiome.

5 Best Natural Weight Loss Supplements For Women Over 40

Our Review of Provitalize​



Our Review of Slim Gut Bundle

Want even faster weight loss results from Provitalize? Then the Slim Gut Bundle is perfect for you. This 2-in-1 bundle combines the weight-management powers of Provitalize with the ‘super booster’ prebiotics in Previtalize.

How this bundle works is by harnessing the synergistic abilities of probiotics and prebiotics. The weight management probiotics in Provitalize feed on the 5 different prebiotic fibers in Previtalize.

As a result, their weight management abilities are super boosted, giving reportedly 2x faster & more effective weight loss results compared to taking Provitalize alone.

That’s not all. 

When the probiotics feed on the prebiotic fibers, they produce something called SCFA (Short Chain Fatty Acid). SCFAs have been studied to regulate fat metabolism by increasing fat burning and decreasing fat storage. [5,6,7]

We listed the Slim Gut Bundle 2nd only because it costs more than Provitalize alone. Other than that, we believe it’s the best-value-for-money bundle in the market right now.



Our Review of Obvi Collagenic Burn Elite

Each serving (2 capsules) of Collagenic Burn Elite contains their Multi-Collagen Elite Beauty Blend, which is 1000mg of 5 different collagen sources (hydrolyzed bovine collagen, chicken bone broth collagen, bovine bone broth collagen, hydrolyzed fish collagen, eggshell membrane collagen), along with 370mg of their Elite Burn Matrix (green tea leaf extract, caffeine (from green tea leaf extract), coconut oil powder).

Now, they’ve made some big claims on their website about weight loss within a certain period, but we found that to be unsubstantiated.

Also, compared to the other supplements on the list, Obvi’s formulation seems to be geared towards beauty than weight loss with it’s collagen-based formula.

The only ingredient that may help is their green tea extract, which may not be suitable for long-term use.

Even without the caffeine, green tea extract may cause gastrointestinal discomfort like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating when used long-term.

If you’re looking for a collagen supplement to boost your hair, nail and skin health, Obvi would definitely fit the bill.

But if you’re looking for a supplement that focuses more towards weight management, you may want to reconsider the other options on this list.



Our Review of Hydroxycut

Each serving of of Hydroxycut (2 capsules) contains a multi-vitamin complex (vitamin D, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12), their “Energy Matrix”, which is 204 mg of coffee extract, along with a 604 mg proprietary blend of natural extracts (robusta coffee extract, apple cider vinegar, plum, baobab, cardamom).

Hydroxycut’s formula aims to boost metabolism, enhance focus and increase energy with their caffeine blend.

The ingredients are natural, and look generally safe to consume. However, there is quite an amount of caffeine contained in their formula (200mg of caffeine from their “Energy Matrix”), so that’s something you have to watch out for if you’re sensitive to caffeine. One serving (2 capsules) can contain up to 2.5 cups of coffee, as stated on their label.

Common side effects of caffeine-sensitivity include restlessness, nervousness, tremors, headaches, anxiety, palpitations, increased heart rate or difficulty sleeping. [9][10]

However, if you’re seeking a straightforward metabolism booster, Hydroxycut is a solid choice. In short-term studies, research shows that caffeine can help temporarily promote increased calorie burning. [11]



Our Review of Amare GBX Fit™

Each serving of Amare GBX Fit™ (1 capsule) contains 309mg of their proprietary blend of quad-biotics (orange peel extract, acacia gum fiber, lactobacillus.plantarum DR7™, bifidobacterium.lactis BPL1™). The rest of the ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable juice, and bamboo leaf extract.

The ingredients are natural, safe and minimal, which we like. However, we’d love it if they broke their proprietary blend down even more, so consumers know how much of each ingredient they’re getting in each capsule.

The formula features Serenzo™, the trademarked orange peel extract, that supposedly helps with stress and mood changes. It also features Inavea, a trademarked prebiotic fibers studied to help with constipation. The studies for both of these trademarked ingredients are unpublished, so we did not link them in our review.

They do include a probiotic Lactobacillus. Planetarium DR7, which is studied to benefit gut health. However, without including the CFU’s, a measure of how much colony forming units of probiotics is contained within a serving, we’re unsure of it’s effectiveness as a probiotic.

Now, the only ingredient that may help with weight loss in their formula is the postbiotic Bifidobacterium.Lactis BPL1™, which may reduce fat deposition around the waistline.

All in all, Amare GBX Fit™ is seems like a decent choice for a weight loss probiotic. However, the lack of information regarding their blend of ingredients, plus the fact that there’s only 1 ingredient in their blend that’s clinically proven to help with weight management, is why we put them at their spot in the rankings.



Choosing The Right Supplement

Choosing the right supplement for your weight management journey is the most important step, and we hope we’ve shined enough light on supplements to help you make a decision.

Remember that supplements do take time to work, as opposed to a quick fix like weight loss pills.

However, the benefits are considerably better for your health and your well-being.

So, look through our list and see which of the supplements we’ve featured today fits your individual needs, and do thorough research to ensure the supplement you pick is just the right fit for you.

We recommend choosing the right one with these important features that we’ve mentioned:

  • One that’s going to help you lose weight holistically & sustainably
  • One that covers multiple facets of your health, including menopause
  • One with all-natural ingredients
  • One with a money back guarantee


In conclusion, the idea of losing weight without any effort with the help of weight loss pills may be tempting, but it doesn’t take into consideration the sensitivities of a woman in her 40s.

A more sustainable path to a healthier you lies in a more natural approach that takes the process of hormonal changes into account.

Natural supplements for weight loss offer a safer & long-term way to support your weight management journey, all while nurturing your overall health and well-being during menopause.

As you explore the top weight loss supplements available, remember to consider their pros and cons and choose the one that best aligns with your long-term goals for a healthier, more vibrant you.

Nancy Grace
Researcher and Science Writer
Nancy specializes in science journalism and factual information in the fields of health, medicine, and nutrition. She spends hours each week pouring through 100s of medical journals and research studies to increase accessibility to the depths of information by the everyday person.

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