More than half of the roughly 69 trillion cells in your body are microbial5. Microbial cells regulate and support nearly every vital function including vaginal health, weight management, mood, blood pressure (hot flashes), and bone density.
Why should you care? Hormonal imbalance during menopause changes the way your body stores fat6 and women tend to accumulate more fats around their abdomen and liver. These fat cells are called visceral fats – also known as “hidden fats” that are stored deep inside the belly, wrapped around the organs, including the liver and intestines. According to WebMD7, visceral fats increase your risk of developing serious medical issues such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol.
The good news is that the gut regulates estrogen levels7 in your body and it can support hormonal balance during menopause. Probiotics improve gut health and it can play a major role to redirect fat deposition from your belly to other parts of your body so that you retain your desired body shape.