Best Joint Supplements & Osteoarthritis Treatments for Women (2024)

Ouch…as someone experiencing osteoarthritis (or “wear-and-tear” arthritis), flare-ups can be incredibly frustrating. The pain in your knees or affected joints can feel like a deep, throbbing ache that’s difficult to ignore. It makes going about your daily routine almost impossible.

Surprisingly, osteoarthritis (OA) is more common than we hear. It is the most common form of arthritis, which is also the #1 cause of disability in the United States1. Plus, women have it worse – we are twice as likely to develop OA as men2.

While OA generally develops in our 50s and 60s, the joint damage starts earlier in our 40s.

If that’s surprising to you, then keep scrolling because we’re going to dig deeper and understand why women are more susceptible to OA than men, explore various options, and identify the best joint supplements and treatments for you.

Why Women Are More Likely To Develop Osteoarthritis Than Men

Some believe that women’s wider hip anatomy puts more stress on the knees. But it doesn’t explain why more women above 55 suffer from osteoarthritis than women under 553.

Emerging research points to the fall in estrogen levels after 40 years old, especially when women start approaching perimenopause, a temporary phase of 5-7 years before menopause. 

Estrogen affects the way our body stores fat (and where it stores them) and keeps harmful inflammation and oxidative stress under control. When estrogen levels fall, our body stores more fats around the belly where the majority of our organs are located. It leads to unexpected weight gain. 

At the same time, lower estrogen levels activate oxidative stress and inflammatory processes within our body. Both processes attack our joint tissues, increase joint fluids, and damages the cartilage and bone.

The triple whammy of weight gain, inflammation, and oxidative stress creates the perfect recipe for joint pain and OA.

How You Can Ease Joint Pains

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK recommends losing weight3 for two reasons:

  • A lighter weight puts less strain on your joints, especially in the knees
  • Obesity is chronic inflammation4 in the body, and inflammation wears down the cartilage in the joints. Losing weight means reducing inflammation.

By losing weight, you can preserve as much of the cartilage in your joints as possible.

Traditionally, women take glucosamine and chondroitin to slow cartilage deterioration in the joints and reduce pain in the process5. Glucosamine is a natural compound found in our joints that cushions impact and slows the speed of joint deterioration. It also possesses weak anti-inflammatory properties that can help with inflammation.

Emerging research show that anti-inflammatory herbs can also provide the same kind of relief as glucosamine or even painkillers.

One such example is curcumin, a compound found in turmeric. Curcumin was found in two studies (mentioned later in this article) to provide a similar level of relief as NSAIDs and painkillers without the digestive side effects

Other examples include anti-inflammatory probiotics. According to the Arthritis Foundation, the beneficial bacteria appear to have an impact on inflammation, reducing common biomarkers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein (CRP)6.

Specialized programs designed for weight loss

The most common form of physical activity is exercise, but it doesn’t have to be strenuous or dreadful.

A recent study discovered that we use up more energy when we perform daily activities like laying, standing, walking, stair climbing, spontaneous muscle contraction, fidgeting, cleaning), singing7.

While these activities may seem trivial, they are more effective at helping people to manage weight than exercising at the gym.

So if you can’t exercise, you can still keep your joints healthy and manage your weight by engaging in your daily activities. Just don’t stay in bed all day.

On the other hand, exercise can be useful to maintain joint health.

According to the US Department of Health & Human Services8, osteoarthritis patients should get 2.5 hours of exercise per week. Some of the movements recommended by the Arthritis Foundation include:

  • Strength exercises to build muscles in areas where the joint hurts so the joints can be supported
  • Stretching exercises to reduce stiffness and keep joints moving. Be careful not to overstretch
  • Aerobic exercises to reduce excess weight
  • Balance exercises to strengthen small muscles around the knees and ankles to prevent falls

Joint Supplements That Actually Work

With hundreds of joint supplements in the market, it can be difficult to find one that works for you.

Thankfully, we’ve done the legwork.

First, we analyzed a systematic review of 349 full-text articles, including data from over 21 randomized clinical trials and studies conducted on supplement ingredients marketed for joint support. We also looked at the most popular joint supplements on the market and rounded up our top 5 recommendations.

Here are the most effective ingredients that have demonstrated effectiveness in supporting joints, reducing inflammation, and slowing osteoarthritis.

Clinically Studied Joint Supplements

Curcumin, which comes from turmeric, is becoming more widely used to protect our joints. It is also effective for women as curcumin is also a phytoestrogen (plant-based estrogen), which helps to support hormonal balance.

Two clinical trials demonstrated curcumin’s effectiveness in alleviating joint pain and improve the quality of life of 100s of adults.

In a recent study with 139 patients with knee osteoarthritis, patients receiving curcumin showed similar improvements in severity of pain and patient quality of life after just 14 and 28 days when compared to patients who took non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)10.

A similar study was conducted with 367 patients with knee osteoarthritis and it also found that a 1,500 mg daily dose of curcumin extract was as effective as 1,200 mg a day of NSAIDs, without the gastrointestinal side effects11.

In other words, curcumin was found to be just as effective as NSAIDs or painkillers in relieving knee pain in osteoarthritis patients without the negative gastrointestinal side effects.

The Arthritis Foundation also recommends Curcumin as one of the most effective supplements to manage osteoarthritis12.

If you’re thinking of getting a curcumin supplement, make sure it contains black pepper extract as our body has difficulty absorbing curcumin on its own. Black pepper extract improves the absorption by up to 2,000%13.

Thousands of studies have been conducted on different types of probiotics, but there is a growing category of probiotics that have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties14.

B. Lactis: A group of German researchers found that B.Lactis R101-815 (also known as B.Animalis R101-8) carry anti-inflammatory properties as it lowered two inflammatory biomarkers and saw a higher conversion of saturated fats into energy.

L. Gasseri: Multiple strains of L.Gasseri probiotics also exhibited anti-inflammatory properties in different studies16,17,18 suggesting its use as an anti-inflammatory probiotic.

While weight loss is not a focus of this article, it is also a contributing factor to joint pain. It is worth noting that two studies saw 4.6% – 8.5%19,20 reduction in belly fats among 100s of adults.

You may be wondering what fiber has to do with osteoarthritis. Turns out, a lot!

A study on obese mice21 found that the Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (also known as oligofructose or oligofructan) – a relatively common fiber found in fruits like bananas, is capable of protecting obese mice from loss of cartilage in the knee joint. In case you’re unaware, mice share similar DNA to humans, which is why mice models are popular in early stage scientific research.

This is a promising finding which suggests that a healthy intake of FOS could also protect our joints from loss of cartilage in the knee joint resulting from obesity.

We all know what collagen can do, but did you know that the International Orthopedics conducted a meta-analysis and found that collagen is potentially useful in alleviating osteoarthritis symptoms21?

The results are promising, but some people are skeptical, as the studies found potential conflicts of interest (as the studies were funded by collagen companies directly or indirectly through employees or consultants)22.

Regardless, more studies are needed to ascertain the effectiveness of collagen as a supplement for osteoarthritis.

Omega-3 is recognized for its anti-inflammatory properties23, similar to some of the anti-inflammatory probiotics. Actual results in the management of osteoarthritis were mixed across studies.

Some patients who consumed Green Lipped Mussel (GLM) saw improvements in joint stiffness after 12 weeks24. Another study found that patients who took krill oil25 saw improvements in pain, stiffness, and physical function among 235 adults.

Overall, if nothing else has worked for you, it may be worth giving Omega-3 a try

Similarly, studies on glucosamine and chondroitin – two of the main supplements that osteoarthritis patients take – have shown mixed results.

A large National Institutes of Health (NIH) study26, called the Glucosamine/chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), compared glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin, both supplements together, a prescription drug used to manage osteoarthritis pain), or a placebo (an inactive substance) in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Those who received the prescription drug had better short-term pain relief (at 6 months) than those who received a placebo.

Overall, those who received the supplements had no significant improvement in knee pain or function, although the investigators saw evidence of improvement in a small subgroup of patients with moderate-to-severe pain who took glucosamine and chondroitin together.

In several European studies, participants reported that their knees felt and functioned better after taking glucosamine. The study participants took a large, once-a-day dose of a preparation of glucosamine sulfate sold as a prescription drug in Europe.

Your All-in-One Joint Supplement Checklist

As supplements can be sold without approval by FDA, reliable supplement manufacturers get third-party certifications to distinguish their products as trustworthy. These certifications verify the ingredients and quantities claimed on the product label, and that the product meets stringent manufacturing and performance standards. Established certifications to look out for include GMP, USP, NSF, Certified Organic, Non-GMO certified, etc.

Supplements that can’t be absorbed by the body are essentially ineffective. Unfortunately, most people aren’t aware of this, allowing manufacturers to get away with cheaply-made supplements with low bioavailability. Your selection process should consider supplements with ingredients that enhance absorption. Also, look for high-quality capsules that break down at the right time for nutrients to be fully absorbed.

Clinical trials help substantiate the efficacy of ingredients through proper tests. Look for a supplement with clinically-tested ingredients for real benefits, and avoid those based on anecdotal evidence. Even better if there are multiple studies backing the product. We based our top 5 osteoarthritis and joint supplements on clinically studied ingredients supported by a solid body of evidence.

Sadly, according to the New York Times,27 one in four products sold on Amazon is fake. This is especially true of nutritional supplements. When buying from Amazon, ensure you do so from the brand’s Amazon store. Otherwise, purchase directly from the brand’s official website. Consuming fraudulent products may cause nasty side effects — so be extra cautious.

All supplements made in the USA are under FDA regulation. The same applies for Canada and Australia. Ensure products you buy come from FDA/TGA-registered facilities using GMP certified manufacturing processes. Many supplements, especially those purchased on eBay and Amazon are manufactured abroad, with little to no regulation. One study looked at 44 herbal supplements sold in North America and found 60% do not contain the ingredients or quantities claimed on the labels28.

risk-free guarantee lets you try supplements without fear of losing your money. If you try the product and don’t experience results, simply contact the manufacturer for a refund. A 60- or 90-day guarantee is the minimum a manufacturer should have as a show of confidence in their products. Also, avoid companies that make you jump through hoops. One common strategy that companies use is “bottle return” – they require you pay for return shipping and return the empty bottles before they process your refund.

Best Joint & Osteoarthritis Supplements (2024)

Why we like Provitalize

Provitalize is the only supplement we found on the market containing 350mg of curcumin, bioperine (which enhances absorption of curcumin29) and 3 anti-inflammatory probiotic species. Multiple studies suggest that curcumin and probiotic species like L. Gasseri and B.Lactis are capable of lowering inflammation in the body and support healthy joints. In addition, Provitalize also contains 3 fat-neutralizing probiotic strains:

  • L. Gasseri SBT2055 was found to reduce belly fats by lowering fat absorption in the body30.
  • B. Breve IDCC4401 was found to stimulate cholesterol metabolism and reduce LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels31.
  • B.Lactis R101-8 was found to stimulate saturated fat metabolism and reduce inflammatory markers15.

Combined, they can support good joint health and healthy weight management, which is also a risk factor for osteoarthritis.

Plus, Provitalize includes moringa leaves which have been widely studied for its anti-inflammatory properties32,33

In terms of bioavailability (ease of absorption) Provitalize also uses DRCapsTM, a trademarked technology that protects the ingredients against stomach acid so that it can reach your gut where its effectiveness is maximized.

We counted over 25,000 verified customer reviews across Amazon, TrustPilot, Okendo, and Google, which is an important criteria in our scoring system. For the above mentioned reasons, we believe Provitalize deserves the top spot.



Slim Gut by Better Body Co is an attractive bundle consisting of Provitalize and Previtalize. In addition to the anti-inflammatory formula in Provitalize, Previtalize contains a blend of fibers such as Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin, Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), and Xylooligosaccharides (XOS), as well as Burdock Root, an anti-inflammatory medicinal herb.

Similar to FOS, a study34 on 36 knee osteoarthritis patients found that burdock root tea consumption for 42 days saw improved inflammation and oxidative stress. Existing studies are also ongoing between the relationship of inulin and osteoarthritis35. These demonstrate the growing realization of the relationship between fiber and osteoarthritis, which is good news for osteoarthritis patients.

Plus, probiotics like Provitalize also feed on Prebiotics like Previtalize to multiply quicker in the gut. This means you can experience faster visible results in your joints.

Since Slim Gut is slightly more expensive than Provitalize alone, we’ve placed it in position two.



OmegaXL is a joint support supplement made from a proprietary blend of Green Lipped Mussel Oil Extract containing omega fatty acids, extra virgin olive oil, and d-alpha tocopherol (Vitamin E). It is free of gluten, allergenic levels of shellfish protein, artificial ingredients, milk, yeast, and corn.

The only thing to be aware of is that the FDA sent a warning letter to the company behind OmegaXL in 2021 for making drug claims36

OmegaXL was promoted with statements such as “[S]hown to help relieve joint pain due to inflammation” and “OmegaXL is widely recognized as a leader in natural relief from pain due to inflammation.” It has also been promoted as a “highly concentrated Omega-3 ‘Super Oil’ supplement,” although past ConsumerLab tests of the product found surprisingly little omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA).

Despite the warning, we think that OmegaXL deserves the third spot in our list as the majority of its Amazon customers have reviewed it favorably. We think that the warning is served because of the aggressive claims made, but it does not reflect the efficacy of the product.



Genacol Plus is a joint supplement made using 1500 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride and 1200 mg of hydrolyzed collagen. It is made in the USA, non-GMO, and gluten-free.

Through a University partnership, Genacol demonstrated that its hydrolyzed collagen is better absorbed by the body than generic collagen.

Genacol has over 700 Amazon ratings and majority of the ratings were favorable. This gives us the confidence to place Genacol at the fourth spot in our top 5.



Blackmores need no introduction as it is a well-known supplement brand sold in many retail stores. This supplement contains 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and nothing else, just like its name suggests.

If you would like to try Glucosamine, we think that Blackmores’ Glucosamine Sulfate is one of the better options in the market given the reliable brand name. 




Final Thoughts

There is no known cure for osteoarthritis to-date, but the condition can be slowed and managed. Osteoarthritis patients can still enjoy a high quality of life if they maintain a healthy weight, keep a close watch over inflammation in their body, and stay active.

While traditional joint supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin can help to ease the pain in osteoarthritis, we think that the emerging evidence around supplements like curcumin, anti-inflammatory probiotics, and fibers are exciting developments that may bring new optimism to osteoarthritis patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

According to NHS37, you can still lead a healthy, active life with osteoarthritis. The condition does not necessarily get worse unless it is neglected.

So make the effort to maintain a healthy weight. Shed off any unnecessary weight, watch over your diet, especially in oily and fatty foods, and stay active. Take safe supplements to support your body.

Whether it’s mild or severe, you can take some steps to ease the joint pain and swelling by resting it or applying an ice or heat pack. We don’t recommend taking NSAIDs due to its negative gastrointestinal side effects.

According to NHS38, surgery may help. However, it cannot guarantee that your symptoms will go away altogether. You may still experience pain and stiffness from your condition.

If you follow our recommendations and research above to pick out the safest and most effective joint supplements, then you will likely be fine. No serious side effects have been reported in large, well-documented studies of people taking glucosamine, chondroitin, probiotics, or curcumin. As long as you do not exceed recommended dosages, joint supplements are likely safe for you.

Nancy Grace
Researcher and Science Writer
Nancy specializes in science journalism and factual information in the fields of health, medicine, and nutrition. She spends hours each week pouring through 100s of medical journals and research studies to increase accessibility to the depths of information by the everyday person.

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