These “friendly bacteria” are not only great for digestion, they’re absolutely crucial for maintaining your vaginal microbiome.
If you didn’t know, your vaginal microbiome has its very own ecosystem of bacteria, both good and bad.
The good ones, also known as probiotics, support healthy vaginal pH, odor, flora, and yeast balance. Some key L. (Lactobacillus) species to look out for include:
- L. Reuteri: This strain supports a healthy vaginal microbiome by promoting the growth of good bacteria and inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria. 1
- L. Gasseri: This strain can prevent the growth of bad bacteria by producing a coating that prevents pathogenic bacteria from attaching to the inner walls of the vagina. 2, 3
- L.Bulgaricus: This strain can help restore a healthy balance of bacteria in the vaginal microbiome. 4