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Written by:

Angela C.

Published On

Jan 11, 2024

provitalize frustration

Ever since I turned 45, I’ve been noticing changes to my body. But this year… it got quite serious. Especially around my waist.

So serious, that I knew it was time to see my doctor. And, well… I can’t say he was very helpful.

He said it’s normal to gain weight as you get older, and that my options were diet and exercise…

Which I was already doing. 

I felt like he completely ignored my concerns…


Not only was I struggling with menopause but now I had to deal with being dismissed by my doctor.

It hit me that if there was an answer to my problem, I wasn’t gonna find it at my doctor’s office.

So I looked around in Facebook groups, online forums and anywhere else I could.

I tried everything. Special diets, fancy exercises, sketchy devices… I even got my hand on some prescription-grade “treatments,” with no help from my gp, of course. Nothing worked. It’d been months and I was running in circles. I was at my wits’ end…

Until one night, while on Facebook, I noticed an ad that had thousands of comments. They were from women who couldn’t stop raving about this probiotic called Provitalize. 

It’s a supplement that’s supposed to help your body deal with menopausal weight gain.

I was intrigued.

So I kept digging and clicked over to their site where I read something surprising.

We have something called the “estrobolome” that could explain why women get a menobelly.

The estrobolome is a special group of bacteria in your gut that controls the estrogen moving around your body.

When estrogen levels drop after menopause, the estrobolome becomes less active. 

This can lead to weight gain.1

And since your estrobolome is what impacts your mood, your drive and your weight, these changes can show up in all kinds of ways like:

  • Powerful cravings for sugary foods that creep up out of nowhere and blindside you.

  • Intense mood swings that leave you anxious, irritable.

  • And of course, the dreaded “fluff” around your waistline that grows no matter how much you diet and exercise.

So it makes sense that if you’re gonna defeat an ever-growing menobelly…

You have to address the changes to your estrobolome.

Which supposedly this probiotic helps with.


I’m not usually one to go with the crowd, but with so many women sharing their success I had to see what all the fuss was about.

My first impressions…

The package arrived fast.

I could barely contain myself as I tore open the box. 

There on the label were the 3 proven probiotic strains that help restore a woman’s gut diversity. All together helping with weight management, cravings, bloating, and more.

  1. B.Breve IDCC4401 – Helps “activate” genes that influence fat metabolism.
  2. L.Gasseri SBT2055 – Helps keep belly fat from sticking to your midsection.
  3. B.Lactis R101-8 Supports a healthy weight while promoting better digestion.

It also contains 95% Curcuminoid, Curry Leaf, Moringa leaf, and Bioperine. And they’re all loaded into a bright orange Delayed-Release Capsule™ for enhanced absorption.

I have to say, this seems like a holistic formula for fighting menopausal weight gain.

Plus all the ingredients are all natural, with no chemicals or hormones. And at only $1.33/day for the 3-bottle bundle, it’s quite affordable too. 

Taking it is really easy. 

Reviews say that taking two pills with a glass of water before breakfast works best. The special capsules make sure the probiotics survive stomach acid and reach the right place in the gut. So there’s no need to worry about what you’re eating, PH levels, or anything else.

But did it work for me?

Day 1

Nothing changed, of course. I just carried on with my day like normal.

Day 7

There were some improvements. Nothing huge. Could be placebo. Mainly, I felt like I had a bit more energy than usual and I felt a little less bloated after lunch.

Day 14

This is when changes were really noticeable. I normally use the mirror outside my wardrobe to keep track of my weight. Let’s just say that I wasn’t happy with my favorite clothes this past year. They barely fit. 

But on this day, my belly was visibly flatter. I noticed less bloating as well as my waistband was a little looser. And I haven’t yawned all day. Maybe this was working?

Day 30

After a month I’d made up my mind. Things were definitely improving. My visits to the bathroom were more regular. I no longer sat at my desk, snacking, crying about my bloated belly. My sleep improved. And… my waistline was making a comeback!

I don’t know if you can relate, but I had been working out for years and my weight had only been going up. This was the first time in forever that I saw the scale numbers drop. I was PUMPED!

I’m on my 3rd bottle now and I feel the best I’ve felt since menopause hit.


And all the credit goes to Provitalize!

Results are probably not the same for everyone, but if you want to base your expectations on my experience, here’s what happened for me.

  1. A heightened metabolism. My workouts got so much easier after taking Provitalize, and the results are finally showing again. Muscles are toning, I have more energy, and my pants are fitting better.

  2. Less gas and bloating. A flat tummy has just as much to do with gas as it does with fat. I think I look a lot better, even though I haven’t lost that much weight. And my waistbands agree.

  3. Improved sleep and mood. It’s not fun having irregular sleep and being tired all the time. But now I realize it’s not an inevitable part of aging – we can sleep well and be happy!

  4. Fewer aches and joint troubles. Who knew that these were menopause-related? Not me. I thought it was stress. But ever since I started Provitalize, I’ve been noticing fewer and fewer aches, especially around my joints.

  5. And probably a lot more I haven’t noticed yet…

Honestly, I was just hoping for a little pick-me-up to keep my weight in check. I totally didn’t expect so many other improvements. So I, for one, am totally sold and will continue taking Provitalize until my dresses fit again. At this rate, it won’t take long.

I thought progress would slow down over time, but actually, it seems to be working even better. I’ll have to come back with an update later.

Anyway, I can’t wait to see where I’m at in 6 months.

So yeah, I guess I’m now one of those ladies on Facebook ready to tell the world my story. Provitalize changed my life.

Where can you get it?

And if you’re curious to see how it can change your life too, there’s good news.

They’ve got a 90-day money back guarantee, and their 3-bottle pack comes with a great discount and free shipping, so now’s the best time to give it a try.

For me it took about a month to show promise, but you can have 3 whole months to make sure it works for you too.

Simply click the button below and you can order it straight from their website.

And if you have any questions, I’m sure their customer support is super helpful. Lots of reviews mention it.

So give it a try. There’s no risk. There’s a ton of reward.
And I can’t recommend it enough.

1 Spotlight on the Gut Microbiome in Menopause: Current Insights: