Top 5 Probiotics for Women Over 40

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If you’re a woman over 40, you’ve probably noticed you eat like you always have, but the ol’ bod’ doesn’t react the same. In fact, it feels like the cleaner you eat… the faster the weight piles on. Your skin is less elastic. You exercise 3 times a week, but just aren’t as “tight” as you once were.

Doctors will say it’s ‘a natural part of aging’ and there’s nothing women can do about it…But science says otherwise.

Recent research shows taking certain strains of probiotics can amplify the benefits of a healthy diet & exercise… to keep you looking fabulous well into your 40s and beyond.

It makes sense. Microorganisms comprise over 57% of the cells in your body. Your microbiome is the largest organism in the body. Microorganisms forming the microbiome fill your stomach and intestinal lining, regulating metabolism, aiding digestion and the absorption of nutrients. 

Indeed, they play a role in nearly every aspect of your health — hair, skin, immunity, cognitive function, metabolism—everything. Seeding your microbiome with the high dosages of the right microorganisms helps women over 40 maintain healthy weight, look and feel more youthful and vibrant. 

While all probiotic strains are beneficial to men and women, some unique strains are especially great at naturally combating the annoying symptoms – like weight gain, hot flashes & bloating – perimenopausal, menopasual and post-menopausal women face.

Our team independently reviewed 57 probiotic brands using data from independent consumer testing laboratories, Labdoor and ConsumerLab combined with our internal ratings system to determine the top 5 probiotics for women over 40.

5 Proven Benefits of Probiotics for Women and Over 40

More Physical Fitness Naturally

A study of 207 subjects aged 65+, found that in-spite of higher caloric intake, subjects with an abundance of Bifidobacterium had greater fitness, leaner bodies, and lower blood glucose levels1.

Weight Management and Fat Reduction

Another study found, Lactobacillus Gasseri increases fat emulsion and hydrolysis – which prevents fat buildup by breaking it down and passing it naturally through our system. Importantly, L. Gasseri was found to have the highest hydrolytic properties2. compared with four additional strains.

Fewer Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Probiotics are great for decreasing urinary tract infections. They’re even being used by medical facilities as a treatment and may soon replace the most common treatment—antibiotics. UTIs are caused by unhealthy bacterial overgrowth. While antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria… probiotics add healthy bacteria to counter overgrowth and treat UTIs by restoring the urinary tract’s microbiota.

Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

According to a NewsWeek article, “Menopausal Women Need Probiotic Supplements.” In addition to countering weight gain and UTIs, probiotics have also been shown to reduce bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain associated with menopause. According to a peer reviewed study published in Nutrients, Journal of Human Nutrition, “evidence reveals probiotics and prebiotics modulate intestinal microbiota towards a healthier composition.”3.

Decrease Restlessness, Moodiness, and Hot Flashes

A rapid decline in estrogen levels typically causes restlessness, moodiness, and hot flashes in women over 40. Scientists have recently discovered gut flora, estrabolones, which regulate estrogen metabolization. Adding beneficial probiotics supports estrabolone colonization by increasing biodiversity and modulating declining estrogen levels for symptom reduction4.

What to Look for When Choosing Probiotics

FDA Certification

Choose probiotics manufactured in an FDA regulated facility under GMP certified manufacturing processes. FDA and GMP certifications ensure your probiotics meet minimum quality standards and contain the CFU count of live active probiotics listed on the label.

Beware of Fakes

According to the New York Times,5. 1 in 4  products sold on Amazon are fake. This is especially true of nutritional supplements. Avoid buying supplements on Ebay. When you buy from Amazon, ensure you buy from the manufacturer’s Amazon store. Otherwise, buy directly on the manufacturer’s website. Buying fraudulent products could potentially cause nasty side effects – so be extra cautious about authenticity.

High CFU Count

Your microbiome is composed of trillions of microbes. While all probiotics are beneficial, adding too few colony forming units (CFU) won’t allow you to enjoy the best visible results. While eating probiotic-rich foods like yoghurt is good, you need to add a probiotic supplement for maximum benefits. Yogurt contains around 6 billion CFU. Most studies recommend 10-20 billion CFU for maintaining digestive health.6. Some studies suggest additional benefits at dosages beyond 20 billion.7.,8.


Prebiotics are foods (plant fiber) probiotics eat. Probiotics containing prebiotics increase the likelihood of healthy colonization. In probiotic supplements, prebiotics are typically fructo-and-galacto-oligosaccharides. 

Multiple Clinically Studied Strains

Not all probiotics are equal. Are you taking the right ones that have been clinically-researched? Because of the promise probiotics offer for a variety of conditions, and advances made during the Human Microbiome Project,9. research into probiotics has exploded. Scientists now know some strains are more beneficial than others for certain conditions. For instance, we now know Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains are most beneficial for weight loss.10. Our top 5 probiotics contain clinically studied strains that have shown to be beneficial to perimenopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women.

Top 3 Strains for Women Over 40

B. Breve — Numerous studies11. show B. Breve fights weight gain, improves muscle function, boosts immunity, prevents cognitive impairment, and alleviates inflammation.
B. Lactis — Is clinically proven12. to fight inflammation, regulate female hormones, combat infection, relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and promote gut health.
L. Gasseri — Is shown13. to reduce visceral fat buildup, alleviates postmenopausal symptoms, supports gut health and reduces diarrhea, and combats yeast infections.

Our Main Sources

Sources used for research purposes.
Supplement-review.org are not officially affiliated with these sites.

These are the Top 5 Probiotics for Women Over 40

Brand: Physician’s Choice

We like the Physician’s Choice Women’s Probiotic because it contains both probiotics and prebiotics in one formula.

Prebiotics amplify the efficacy of probiotics. Without it, it takes a longer time for the probiotics to colonize your gut and see results.

This probiotic also contains 50 billion CFUs, which is within the recommended range for higher efficacy.

It also contains a patented cranberry extract and d-mannose and both ingredients have clinical studies showing benefits for urinary tract health



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We also like Renew Life Women’s Care Probiotics because it contains clinically tested probiotic strains that support urinary and feminine health.

It contains a diversity of probiotic strains (12 in total). For example, L. reuteri RC-14 and L. rhamnosus GR-1 have both shown to promote urinary health, vaginal health, and pH balance. 

Given the diversity of probiotic strains available in the product, it is also relatively affordable.



Brand: Better Body Co

ProbioSlim is a well known ForceFactor brand available online and through national retailers Walmart, Target, and GNC. ProbioSlim Extra Strength contains a proprietary probiotic blend of 30 billion CFU. It contains the well studied trademarked probiotic LactoSpore® together with the 7 strains trademarked “digestive superblend” LS9485™ and prebiotics inulin, fig, and papaya extracts. ProbioSlim Extra Strength takes our third position because, while it is a good value, much of the thermogenic action of ProbioSlim comes from the 100mg of caffeine in the green tea extract.



Brand: MenoLabs

We listed Menofit fourth because while it contains only 25 billion CFU of clinically studied probiotics, it also contains prebiotics. Additionally, vitamins and herbs in the Menofit formula have been shown to increase energy, reduce food cravings, and alleviate menstrual cramps. However, some of the ingredients fall under the category of “traditional medicine,” and rely on historical, anecdotal evidence rather than clinical studies.



Brand: Garden of Life

Garden of Life Fitbiotic is a worthy competitor. Fitbiotic differs from the other supplements on our list. It is a powdered probiotic containing 14 strains, 40 billion lactobacillus CFUs, and 10 billion bifidobacterium CFUs. Doctor David Perlmutter, M.D., New York Times best-selling author, and expert on the human microbiome developed Fitbiotic specifically for weight management, digestive and immune support. Garden of Life Fitbiotic also contains 4g of prebiotic fiber.




That’s about it! We hope you’ve enjoyed this review of probiotics that we think are most suitable for women over 40.

If you have any feedback, please write to us at

[email protected]. 

Nancy Grace
Researcher and Science Writer
Nancy specializes in science journalism and factual information in the fields of health, medicine, and nutrition. She spends hours each week pouring through 100s of medical journals and research studies to increase accessibility to the depths of information by the everyday person.

Our Main Sources

Sources used for research purposes. Smarter-Reviews.com are not officially affiliated with these sites.


  1.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31967716/
  2.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25884980/
  3.  https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/6/2112
  4.  https://kresserinstitute.com/gut-hormone-connection -gut-microbes-influence-estrogen-levels/
  5.  https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/amazon- counterfeit-fake-products/
  6.  https://www.nordic.com/healthy-science/probiotics- how-many-billion-cfu-do-i-need-to-maintain-daily-digestive-health
  7.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28008787/
  8.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6024794/
  9.  https://hmpdacc.org/
  10.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8540110/ #:~:text= Specific%20strains%20belonging%20to%20the, in%20overweight%20and %20obese%20populations.
  11.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=B.+Breve
  12.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=B.+Lactis
  13.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=L.+Gasseri