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Best Belly Fat Burner & Supplements For Women Over 40 (2024)

Whether it’s the dreaded “muffin top”, the persistent “meno-belly”, or the ever-expanding “middle-age spread”, one thing’s for sure…

Belly fat simply loves to overstay its welcome, especially for women in their 40s and beyond.

Now, the diet industry often pushes “fat burners” as the magic solution…

But are they really the “magic pill” for all your belly fat troubles? Let’s compare them to the other types of fat-loss supplements on the market right now.

Your Options

Fat burners are supplements designed to increase the rate at which your body burns fat.

They typically contain stimulants like high amounts of caffeine, green tea extract, and L-carnitine, which increases your body’s metabolism — the rate at which it burns calories at rest.

It’s also good to note that this calorie burn doesn’t necessarily translate to fat loss as well, as your body may burn other sources of fuel.

Plus, the stimulants can cause several side effects for women in their 40s, like anxiety, insomnia, and sometimes even triggering hot flashes. 1

Fat blockers are dietary supplements that mainly work in two different ways. One of the most popular versions out there right now include Chitosan — a powder that’s derived from shellfish & certain insects.

Chitosan works by “blocking” fat from being absorbed, therefore reducing the fat you absorb from your diet.

When taken, it reacts with your stomach acid and ends up as a gel. This gel is thought to bond with fatty compounds and block them from absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Now, keep in mind that there isn’t enough current evidence or studies to fully support Chitosan’s effectiveness to help with fat-loss.

Appetite suppressants work to help you feel fuller, longer, so you’ll be less likely to intake additional calories by snacking or overeating. This definitely helps if you’re looking to reduce belly fat.

A popular choice for appetite suppressants is glucomannan — a dietary fiber extracted from elephant yam or konjac.

They work by expanding 50 times its weight when exposed to water, and it takes up space in your stomach, making you feel full.

However, they should be used with caution as they can sometimes lead to inadequate nutrient intake if not managed properly.

Digestion aids tend to include enzymes & probiotics, which supports the digestive process by aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.

They ensure that your digestive system works normally, which can prevent issues like bloating, indigestion and malnutrition…

— something many women in their 40s struggle with thanks to bodily changes that slow down digestion.

Good digestion is also crucial for fat loss, and can indirectly support weight management by improving nutrient absorption, which reduces cravings.

Are Probiotics Effective For Combating Belly Fats?

Probiotics have gained attention as a comprehensive belly fat solution that combines multiple benefits, including:

  • Fat blocking
  • Metabolism boosting
  • Appetite moderation
  • Enhanced digestion.

But how effective are they, and what is the science behind their functionality? Let’s dive deeper into how probiotics may just be the solution you need to bid goodbye to that stubborn belly fat.

Prevention is easier and better than the cure.

Rather than spending time, money and effort attempting to burn fat that’s already stored in the body…

One way to combat belly fat is to focus on preventing its absorption in the first place. An ingredient that may help with that is probiotics.

One particular strain, L.Gasseri SBT 2055, has been studied to be able to block fat absorption in the gut by increasing their size — to the point where they can’t be readily absorbed by the body. The unabsorbed fat gets removed from the body together with fecal waste. 1

You’ve heard a lot about metabolism, celebrities talk about it, trainers talk about it, you know it’s important, but what is it exactly?

In its core, metabolism refers to the breakdown of tissue or fuel for body functions. This could be fat, cholesterol or any other other nutrient.

Now, as you may or may not know, your gut’s microbiome plays a significant role in overall metabolism.

Each different type of bacteria strain have varying functions that aid metabolism, which is why having a diverse gut flora ensures that your metabolism is important.

B.Breve IDCC4401, for instance, has been shown in studies to improve cholesterol metabolism in adults with moderate hypercholesterolemia. 2

Another strain, B.Lactis IDCC4301, has been found to help with lipid (fat) metabolism when given to mice who were fed a high-fat diet. 3

So, if you’re looking to enhance your metabolic processes, we recommend looking out for the probiotics strains we’ve mentioned to help with your waistline goals.

As the saying goes, “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”.

Choosing not to give in to your munchies is definitely easier than having to burn the extra calories off after indulging in your cravings.

That’s why moderating your appetite and controlling cravings is another important factor to combat stubborn belly fats.

Other than filling up your plate with plenty of prebiotic fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods…

You might want to include Bifidobacterium probiotics, as they’ve been studied to help with appetite regulation. One such strain is B.Breve, a probiotic that’s been studied to have a body fat reduction effect. 4

Did you know that your digestive system slows down as you age?

This causes a drop in your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food, which can lead to cravings and overeating — which too can contribute to belly fat.

To ensure that your digestive system is healthy and improve bowel motility…

Include probiotics that help with digestion like B.Lactis, which has been studied to help with increasing natural bowel movement frequency. 5

How Quickly Can You Expect Results?

Now, before you start sweeping probiotic supplements off the shelf, here’s something you need to know.

Our bodies are all made differently. And with the difference in how healthy/hospitable our gut environment is, it affects the time it takes for probiotics to work — which is why different people see different results, at different times..

To give you a rough idea, here’s what you should expect to see at certain milestones when taking a probiotic:

While significant fat loss is unlikely within the first week…don’t fret!

Probiotics take time to work, and the fat loss you’ll see would be much more sustainable than relying on fat burners.

However, some initial changes might be noticeable. Look out for benefits like improved digestion and lesser bloating, which can make your belly feel flatter.

Early changes in gut bacteria composition can start within days, setting the stage for long-term benefits.

After a month of consistent probiotic use, more noticeable changes may occur.

Studies suggest noticeable changes in appetite regulation and gut health can occur within a month of consistent probiotic use.

You may find yourself feeling fuller for longer after meals, reducing cravings and potentially leading to a decrease in calorie intake.

Additionally, as your gut bacteria balance improves, you might experience better nutrient absorption and overall digestive health, which can contribute to gradual weight and fat loss.

For long-term, sustainable reduction in belly fat with a probiotic, consistently taking it for 3 months or more is recommended.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to taking probiotics.

Over a three-month period, the cumulative benefits of taking probiotics for a prolonged period will become more pronounced.

Benefits like a smoother digestion, lesser cravings, may all cumulate to a reduction in belly fat and improved metabolic health.

Best Belly Fat Burner & Supplements For Women Over 40

Why we like Provitalize

Provitalize is the only supplement in our list that tackles the root causes of belly fat for women in their 40 to 60s.

With it’s unique formula, it addresses both:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Reduction of belly fat

Provitalize contains three of the best probiotic strains for combating belly fats. That includes L. gasseri SBT205, B.breve IDCC04401 & B.lactis R101-8.

Multiple studies suggest that these three strains are capable of supporting higher metabolism levels, reduce fat absorption in the gut, lower inflammation levels, and even tackle bloating – one of the reasons for a protruding belly. 5, 6, 7

In addition to probiotics, Provitalize contains a herbal blend with clinically-studied benefits for women including turmeric root extract, moringa leaf extract, and curry leaf extract.

Together these herbs have been shown to not only help restore hormonal balance, but also helps with food cravings, lower inflammation and bloating, decrease hot flashes and joint pain, and support healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

According to their official website, over 2 million women have shed their stubborn weight with just two capsules a day. The thousands of glowing reviews on Amazon,  Trustpilot & Okendo are undeniable proof that Provitalize is worthy of our top spot.

By pairing absorption enhancers like BioPerine® (black pepper extract) and sunflower lecithin, with special delayed-release capsules DRCaps™️, Provitalize maximizes the absorption of its nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, as well as probiotic delivery.



Why we like Slim Gut

The probiotics in Provitalize feed on 5 prebiotic ‘super fibers’ in Previtalize, which allows them to multiply faster and survive longer in the gut.

As a result, their weight management abilities are super boosted.

This allows Slim Gut Bundle to provide 2x faster & more effective weight loss results — such as a boost in metabolism as well as reduction of belly fat & cravings, compared to taking just Provitalize alone.

That’s not all. 

When the probiotics feed on the prebiotic fibers, they produce something called SCFA (Short Chain Fatty Acid). SCFAs have been studied to regulate fat metabolism by increasing fat burning and decreasing fat storage. 8, 9, 10

We listed the Slim Gut Bundle 2nd only because it costs more than Provitalize alone. Other than that, we believe it’s the best-value-for-money metabolism booster bundle in the market right now.



Our Review of Physician’s Choice Probiotics

Each serving of Physician’s Choice Probiotics (1 capsule) contains 220 mg of their probiotic blend (Lactobacillus casei, acidophilus, paracasei, salivarius, bulgaricus, plantarum, Bifidobacterium lactis, bifidum, longum, breve) and 150g of their prebiotic blend (jerusalem artichoke, acacia senegal, chicory root).

The ingredients are natural, safe and only contain probiotics and prebiotics, which we absolutely love. So much that we’ve placed it at its current position. However, we’d love it if they added the exact type of probiotic strain they’re using in their blend, as opposed to leaving all of them out of the ingredient label

Because without the exact type of probiotic strain, we are unfortunately unable to determine if the probiotics used in Physician’s Choice have been studied to help manage belly fat. That said, Physician’s Choice Probiotic definitely is a superb choice for a gut health probiotic, but may be lacking some notable belly fat management probiotics.



Our Review of Amare GBX Fit™

Each serving of Amare GBX Fit™ (1 capsule) contains 309mg of their proprietary blend of quad-biotics (orange peel extract, acacia gum fiber, lactobacillus.plantarum DR7™, bifidobacterium.lactis BPL1™). The rest of the ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable juice, and bamboo leaf extract.

The ingredients are natural, safe and minimal, which we like. However, we’d love it if they broke their proprietary blend down even more, so consumers know how much of each ingredient they’re getting in each capsule.

The formula features Serenzo™, the trademarked orange peel extract, that supposedly helps with stress and mood changes. It also features Inavea, a trademarked prebiotic fiber studied to help with constipation. The studies for both of these trademarked ingredients are unpublished, so we did not link them in our review.

They do include a probiotic Lactobacillus. Planetarium DR7, which is studied to benefit gut health. However, without including the CFU’s, a measure of how much colony forming units of probiotics is contained within a serving, we’re unsure of its effectiveness as a probiotic.

Now, the only ingredient that may help with weight loss in their formula is the postbiotic Bifidobacterium.Lactis BPL1™, which may reduce fat deposition around the waistline.

All in all, Amare GBX Fit™ seems like a decent choice for a weight loss probiotic. However, the lack of information regarding their blend of ingredients, plus the fact that there’s only 1 ingredient in their blend that’s clinically proven to help with weight management, is why we put them at their spot in the rankings.



Our Review of Pre + Pro Optimize

Each serving of Pre + Pro Optimize (2 capsules) contains 350 mg of their probiotic blend (B. breve, B. lactis, L. gasseri), 350 mg of turmeric root extract, 350 mg moringa leaf, 200 mg of dong quai, 150 mg curry leaf, 100 mg of their prebiotic blend (FOS, GOS, XOS, Inulin), 50 mg of sunflower lecithin and 3 mg of Bioperine®.  

Pre + Pro Optimize offers a blend of potentially beneficial ingredients to combat belly fat. However, the ingredient label doesn’t include the specific strains of probiotics included in the blend, therefore we are unable to determine if Pre + Pro Optimize would be effective against belly fat management.

Unlike the other probiotics on the list, like Provitalize and Physician’s Choice, Pre + Pro Optimize does not employ acid-resistant caps to protect the probiotic strains. This opens them up to damage from the stomach acid present in the digestive system.

Plus, the lack of clarity on certain ingredients on the ingredient label — like not specifying the medium of the ingredient (powdered or extract) — is slightly alarming for a consumer, not to mention the presence of a filler ingredient like rice flour.

While we absolutely love the blend of ingredients, the lack of acid-resistant caps, lack of ingredient label clarity and the presence of filler ingredients  has us wondering about the effectiveness of this supplement, which is why we placed it at its current rank.



Comparing The Top Rated Probiotic Supplements

Scroll To View Table ➡️

Science-Backed Ingredients That Tackle Belly Fat?

Above 50 Billion CFUs?

Free of Artificial Ingredients or Fillers?

Money-back Guarantee?


Slim Gut Bundle

Physician’s Choice Probiotic

Amare Quadbiotics

Pre + Pro Optimize

Scroll To View Table ➡️

Choosing The Right Supplement

Now that we’ve gone through all the information you need to choose a belly fat burner…

It’s up to you now, to decide which supplement works best for you.

So, look through our list and see which of the supplements we’ve featured today fits your individual needs.

We recommend choosing the right one with these important features that we’ve mentioned:

✅ Targets hormonal belly fat

✅ All-natural

✅ Side effect-free

✅ No stimulants

✅ Suitable for long-term use

Nancy Grace
Researcher and Science Writer
Nancy specializes in science journalism and factual information in the fields of health, medicine, and nutrition. She spends hours each week pouring through 100s of medical journals and research studies to increase accessibility to the depths of information by the everyday person.

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